Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 resolution

As one year closes we prepare to get a jump start on the next. We conjour  up resolutions that we aspire to achieve , we party like its 1999 and wake up with a sore noodle and tell ourselves " maybe I will start tomorrow instead"unfortunately that tommorow most times keeps getting pushed off .As  for me, I will be finding and setting my resolutions , but I will be staying home to prepare for the new year. Mrs Santa and I are having a wonderful meal with our 3 boys then maybe watch a movie. I asked my 9 year old what his goal for next year was and he responded with " I want to learn how to make my own video game and program computers" Me at 9, I was just wanted to walk and chew gum at the same time , I asked the 2 yr old what he wanted to do and he said "no dad , woody & buzz" ( toy story movie for the non parents ) then there was the 6yr old whose response was " I want to listen to people more " I thought wow , maybe we are on the right track until I started thinking, maybe  he was just buttering me up to get desert. I must admit I was very proud that they all had their own ideas and goals and have taken the time to think of what's important to them. 
I personally have a few goals that I would like to reach this year and I don't mind sharing with all of you. Firstly I am going to try and be more patient starting  at home with my family , this has not been an easy year for us with my health my wife's health and the loss of loved ones along with a career change , whew sometimes it felt overwhelming and amazingly frustrating. Patience with as I have to realize that it takes time to get it up and going to peak performance. And most of all patience with my fund raising ideas, I sometimes want to do so much but need to understand that at times I have to be happy with the efforts not the results. I can't force people to follow and support MY ideas , they are my own , just like my children's ideas. My wife and children  teach me so much. 
I can honestly say that I think this is going to be a great year for the Santa Family&Friends , I just have that feeling. 
I wish everyone everywhere all the best for the year to come , I promise that I will do my best to find more ways to make and create smiles on more people's faces this year , so share this , tell everyone you know and stick with Santa, let's have a magical 2015 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Letter from Santa



 To my friends around the world:

Every year on Christmas Eve I take some time to look back on what has happened in my life over the last year and what special events have taken place with my children and my wife. Its been an emotional year on many fronts.  There have been sickness and loss of loved ones. We have seen new additions to our family in the form of a rescued Chihuahua from the streets of Las Vegas named Astro. From career changes, launching of and many more events  I am happy to say that through inevitable change the constant remains, love, and the Santa family have a lot of it.  I also like to reflect on the world events that have shaped our landscape and the way that we live our daily lives. I as like so many others find myself questioning the human spirit at times , watching each day as violence escalates around the world and even right here at home in our own back yards. I believe that we have come to a tipping point in history that is about to be written.  Working together we all have a chance to tip the scales in a positive direction and bring back a renewed sense of hope and resilience. We need to stop preying on the weak, harming our fellow men and women and senselessly taking human life while believing  that equality matters and standing up for those who are down is something that will make us all successful.   This world needs our help starting one person at a time and I am ok if it was to start with me. I know there are so many good people trying to do the same and I applaud you for your efforts, we will make and be the change we want to see in the world. In the end it will not matter to anyone the color of your skin, where you live, how much you have or don’t have, or what God you have chosen as your guide ,we  all started out on this earth and will end our time with one common theme, we took our first and last breath the exact same way. I try and do my best to help others for the simplest of reasons, I am no more special than anyone else! So why shouldn’t I help those in need to experience the joys of this life that have been brought to me. I may not  have a much, more than some and less than others  but I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love, why not share it. I will never be a huge mega star or even be a house hold name and nor do I want to be that's why I remain a SecretSanta , but what I do inspire to be, is an inspiration.

 I have some ideas on fundraising for the coming year and hopefully they will be more successful than this year’s events have been, I know that times are hard all around but I do see things improving. This year we have been able to send packages to places as far away as Australia, Spain, Italy, England, Mexico, USA and Canada. We have given away IPads , Christmas Trees , Wristbands , Light blocks , Food for food banks , Money for animal shelters , clothes for the homeless , tickets for sporting events, gift cards and many more items.  I love when someone gets a package and posts the pictures to the internet and shares Fraser Valley Secret Santa and Team Santa with the world, it allows more people to experience a random act of kindness.

I try my best to do what I can all year long to help people out, unfortunately I can’t help everyone. With up and running, the creation of a new Facebook page growing and Twitter now closing in on 25,000 followers hopefully there will be someone or some organization that will want to join alongside Santa and continue to perform even more random acts of kindness around the world, raise money for local food banks and animal shelters  to make sure that no one ever goes hungry while trying to make people smile a little bit more because as Mrs. Santa says “you can’t cry if you are smiling”.
I hope that you will continue to follow along with FV Secret Santa all year long because the giving will continue  

From the Santa Family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas, a safe prosperous New Year filled with love and smiles. 

Santa , Mrs. Santa , B,A,T and Astro, Eva


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Smiles Kindness & Magic

As most of you know by now, when I see kindness, experience the joy of a smile or attend an event that is magical I am usually the first one to write about it and tell the world exactly what I think. I also point out the negative when I see it too. This time we have no negativity to speak of because we have experienced smiles, kindness and a magical event all in one place.

Tonight Mrs. Santa and I packed up the family and brought along Auntie Trish, Jax and Grammy Santa and headed to North Pole BC and met some amazingly talented people.

Right from the moment we walked through the door we were greeted with smiles and energy that just set the mood for the entire evening. The kids were in amazement from the first stop at the post office where the imagination was on full alert looking for the fairies and dropping a letter off for Santa. As we made our way around the venue the kids just became more and more excited and interactive with the elves truth be told I was a wee bit embarrassed when the oldest said out loud he didn't want to have an elf name but by the end of elf school he was clapping dancing and best of all smiling along with the rest.

I am sure that you have heard the story about mini Santa having a poop attack the first time he met Santa ( obviously the one who subs in for me when I am busy ) but the Santa who was at North Pole BC was amazing! 30 minutes into our adventure we had hugs and high fives for Santa from the little one. From making cookies to stuffed animals and a story from Mrs. Claus to the children, it really was a fantastic outing for the whole family.

Martin and Victoria do an amazing job with the event and the elves look, act and feel like they are having fun while working, but isn’t that what elves do anyways ? So nice to see. Reminds me of the staff at Loco Landing in Penticton and you know how much I love them.  If you have the chance stop in at the Tradex in Abbotsford and experience your own magic. Tell them Santa says hi and maybe a candy cane will come your way.  We will return next year for their Charity night festivities. Thanks for a great evening


I must make a special mention to the staff and friends of Sunrise Toyota and the Fraser valley auto mall, and every single person that helped to donate in Abbotsford  $50,000 in food and money donations for the local food bank , an amazing fundraising effort for the holiday season ! I am extremely proud to know these fine people and hope to say a personal thank you for their commitment to kindness. Great job everyone


Have a great day, Talk to you soon