Friday, February 28, 2014

Do you see Disability or Ability

I wanted to point out that I am so happy to be back working with one of my former clients , I will give you a little background on him! MS is a 29yr male who has cerebral palsy, this young man and I have been together for almost 5 years minus the 6 months this past year when I went to another position. MS is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met in my life , when you meet him you instantly fall in love with his charisma charm and his amazing outlook on life. Not once has he ever asked for help with a battle that he could do on his own, with clear and precise articulation he will debate his case and show that his disability is clearly cosmetic. During my time off of his case MS came to my home, socialized with my friends and even attended social outings with just the guys. MS is not only my client he is my friend. In my line of work you should not pick favorites or become too emotionally attached to clients but how can you not when they are as amazing as him. My family loves him my kids love him and hell I swear my father in law has a bromance going on with MS. The unfortunate part for MS is that for 5 years we have been looking to find him a job because all he wants is to feel like he is productive citizen and that he contributes in a positive way back to his community, no one will hire him because all they see is his disability and not his ability . I wanted to post word for word of a letter that he wrote to the producer and host of the radio show "The Current" it is as follows :

My name is MS , I am a 29 year old resident of Surrey BC and a long time fan of your show. I recently was listening to an episode of the "Current" and the subject was a documentary regarding the anti Gay movement in Russia. While listening I could not help but realize that I was taken back to the thought of the national socialist party circa Nazi Germany WW2 . The sudden and frightening realization has given me pause for thought, the tactics used in Russia today are a stark reminder of the atrocities that were used against the Jewish population at the start of the War.the only primary difference is that instead of using a religious background as a social fall guy as you will , the Russians are choosing to use a state of being as their target. I would also like to share my thoughts in a statement made in the documentary ( indirect quote ) " good people can do terrible things " in a case such as this evil is evil let us not mince words here. While it is true that good people can do terrible things , I am sure a man with your background can attest , there is no denying that these vigilante groups that are given autonomy by there  government could be considered a declaration of war against the subculture of the international community ! In closing it is my belief , as the international community we need to stand up for the rights of every individual regardless of race , religion or sexual preference or face the real possibility of a world wide revolt and a repeat performance of the horrible and heinous acts of our past."

This man has so many great thoughts and ideas in his head and it's a shame that no one will take him seriously in life and give him the chance to feel whole. The writing may be rough in areas but I hope you can see the brilliance in this man and the next time you meet someone with a disability you may stop and want to know more about their ABILITY. Be kind

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