Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Careful What You Wish For

Hello everyone:
Well this has been a world wind kind of week for me, back at my new OLD job but this time in Vancouver, supposed to be on a temporary basis and I sure hope that is the case! I have wished for a long time for this position, Be careful what you wish for huh. In all seriousness I absolutely love my job and what I do but I am struggling with the fact that this new position is not in the same office as before and I have just added a minimum hour to my commute each day plus the unfortunate cost of the toll bridge and the extra gas consumed. The tolls and gas I can deal with, eats up my raise but it’s the time away from my wife and family that has me conflicted. An hour a day may not seem so long but I find that my children are growing up so fast, and with a hectic schedule of kids and work Mrs Santa and I don’t get lots of time together as it is. They have told me that this is a temporary move and that I will be out from the city and back in the burbs in no time. Lesson in patience for Santa.
With only 41 days remaining until the big day I know that most of you are starting to make holiday preparations, shop for gifts and organizes festive parties, we are too. I would hope that the people reading this have a safe and happy upcoming holiday season. PLEASE do not drink and drive.
As for an update on the Santa Block Party, well unfortunately I could not pull it all together in time for the event, I was not able to secure the necessary lights and decorations could not be made in time. I will say that I will be working on the block party for next year and hope that maybe a sponsor or two may join in as it was just too expensive to do on my own for this year. What I have done instead is started to make and design light blocks in an attempt to make my personal goal of $500 for Variety Club Children’s Charity. I have sold a few so far and Mrs. Santa will be going to a Craft fair on Nov 23 and has a booth so she will be taking some of them to try and sell also along with her crafts that she makes.  Mrs. Santa is one of the most talented people I know between making custom cloth diapers, quilts, stuffed animals and so much more, on top of that she works and keeps our crazy lives organized in the home. I don’t think I give her enough credit for what she does. Hope everyone had a chance to see the one light block that I have made in support of Breast Cancer research, that block will be going up on a bidding site in the coming days and will start at $60.00 and hopefully go up from there. If it’s bought by someone in Vancouver or the Fraser valley I will deliver it personally and thank you for helping to find a cure. If anyone is looking for a personalized block or for any occasion not just for Christmas let me know they start at $40.00 + shipping and partial proceeds will be going to Variety Club Children’s Charity. I hope that you all have a FANTASTIC week and be kind to everyone you meet.
Your Friend SANTA