Wednesday, September 5, 2012

THINKING of others

   When I am retweeting stories or articles or people I do that because I enjoy what they say, I enjoy the message or I just agree with the statement. I would love to have the followers that @thegreenmen has or @justincaron this would make spreading good will or organizing a fun and energetic fundraiser easier (no one said this would be easy) but for now it will be a challenge to gain the followers needed, but when I do watch out Vancouver we WILL make a change for the good and impact the lives of many families that we probably will never meet.
In the hopes to create awareness for the less fortunate people/ animals in our communities I am feverishly trying to stage and promote a “Food bank before Christmas day”, as I wish to remain anonymous you can imagine this may prove to be a tougher task than anticipated. What my goal and vision is will be to fill a truck with food from followers, passerby’s or companies in the local area. I do believe this can be done if done right. What I need is followers to spread the word to make this as successful as it possibly can be.
I do not always agree with the politics that happen in all our daily lives. I have been through my share of turmoil in the last 6 months , but let it be known we live in the most beautiful place on earth and we are afforded so many luxuries that people don’t have. When we think we have it hard think of the children on the streets or sick and dying in a hospital somewhere. The mentally disabled that have to live with ridicule and torture on a daily basis because of an issue that is no fault of their own. The women of domestic abuse. Men and women who work hard each and every day to provide a small meal for their families while keeping the lights and heat on in the winter.
I will not preach to you regarding problems that I have with all of the issues listed. One thing I wish that I could change is how WE all can react to a person in need. Most of us started out as a product of love and affection, some were born into a situation that they never had to worry about where the next meal will come from and I do not condemn them for that, some have started with nothing and built their way up to be something, and some have just not found that niche that will put them over the top. As humans we need to think of others, just because you have 5million dollars or 5 cents. We all bleed the same blood.I have decided to post an "Always follow of the day" this will be a person who understands and wants to help in the changing of the way we all think about others 
When I sit down and write my blog each week I think of the accomplishments that we have completed together in the community and within myself. I have to feel good about what I have done. After looking back at the previous week there has not been many random drops, there has not been too much interaction with the community as I wanted to keep a lower profile.
I have had some people ask me via DM if I was just trying to get attention. the answer is NO! You do not see me in any of my drop photos; I do not stay for more than a couple of minutes. Most times I am long gone before a drop happens and I share my stories in hopes that someone may just be motivated by what FVSS is trying to do in our communities. I will not be deterred from what I am doing. Will I change the world? NO will I change my country? NO.  What I hope to do is just maybe incite change in one person that I may encounter.

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